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Forums Just for Fun

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In all reality, Uncrowned Addiction and Uncrowned Gaming are two projects that I do for the passion of the topics and for the fun of the community. You will see that they are set up in a more business setting and offer ads. This is due to me wanting to be in place to jump on the ability for them to become a steady income for me if that day ever arises as having a passion for my career would be an awesome route.
My forum is just for fun, but I always had a requirement that it be financially self-sustaining for it to continue.
Agreed. I want to start my own forum, I don't care too much about profit or not. However I want it to be cost-neutral at the very least in thet I earn as much as I pay, whether that be through ads, donations, VIP subscriptions, etc
I do forums for fun, and not for they money side of things. I was just talking about this to someone else asking when did forums become not so fun, but I think this is the answer to it. People are using it for the purpose of money lately and that just can be an added stress and bummer to the community.
Agreed, reduces the forum community atmosphere!
Same here. It has always been a true passion for me. If I'm able to gain a few bucks, than that's perfectly acceptable. But in the first place I forum because I love to forum.
I’m glad to have connected with members in the same career as me - software development. Pretty natural for one with website management or forum ownership as a hobby ;)
Some people aren't into money. In other cases, it's too hard to make money, so things become fun. What projects are just for fun, in your case?
My sites are strictly for my enjoyment. If others want to join in and participate.. great.. but the main object it was set up for my use.
I don't have any issues with cutting loose the funds needed to provide what I desire for the sites... it's like any hobby. There is a cost to play.

I've never been concerned with gaining funds for my site in any manner.
This is the first forum that I've really gotten into as an adult. That being said, I had no money as a child and didn't think of forums as a way to make money either, but instead as a place to hangout with friends. So forums are, and will always be a hobby to me. To be honest, I don't even know what softwares are free and which are not now-a-days. It makes no difference to me. It's just a place to exchange ideas and escape the harsh realities of life. Think of it as an online version of the old coffee houses where merchants, free thinkers, and other intellectuals would go and banter and make the world a better place.

“British culture was intensely hierarchical and structured. The idea that you could go and sit next to someone as an equal was radical,” - Source
This is the first forum that I've really gotten into as an adult. That being said, I had no money as a child and didn't think of forums as a way to make money either, but instead as a place to hangout with friends. So forums are, and will always be a hobby to me. To be honest, I don't even know what softwares are free and which are not now-a-days. It makes no difference to me. It's just a place to exchange ideas and escape the harsh realities of life. Think of it as an online version of the old coffee houses where merchants, free thinkers, and other intellectuals would go and banter and make the world a better place.
I wasn’t aware of such coffee houses.
@Kyng did you know this when considering the name for your forum? Muwahaha
Coffee houses and meeting spaces have always been a thing lol. It’s why people often go on dates and get coffee. Just a place to relax and enjoy the atmosphere. He likely used the name due to that.
Do you call coffee shops coffee houses in the US?

And meetup.com is a common source for discovering meetup groups for meetups both IRL and discord calls (more for gaming)
I do forums for fun, but my goal is to make it into a career if possible. I've been an avid forum-goer since the late 90's and everyone here knows what the rise of social media did to so many communities. The forums where I spent most of my online time as a moderator or visitor were no exception and were casualties of the shift to social media.

Since 2013, I've been trying to create a space that would work as a central hub for communities, but chronological discussions like traditional forums. This project started out as DeadicatedFans.com and has evolved into FanClubs.org. I haven't gained much ground in terms of activity, but I'll keep plugging away. About 3 years ago a sports forum with some active users (Domer Domain) went up for sale and I was able to acquire it, so I've been using this time to figure out what works with managing a community so I can apply it to FanClubs.org.

I'm building Fan Clubs with the vision of how I wish online communities worked today, hoping there are others looking for something similar. There's still a lot to do to grow the community, but I'm happy with the direction everything is headed.

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