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Does anyone still own/collect CDs?

Oct 3, 2022
I have two CD towers worth of CDs, only because I went through this major music stage where I was so into music that I had to fill my iPhone up with endless music that I liked. Now they sit there and collect dust and I mainly use YouTube (Music) and Pandora to listen to music. I wiped all of the music from my iPhone to reserve space.
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Most of my CD and DVD collection got split with my first long-term relationship break-up, and across subsequent house moves. I do still have a few CDs, often rare/signed CDs and I'm in the process of turning my DVD collection into an iTunes collection.

But I also have a pretty beefy music collection on iTunes because I don't like how little Pandora etc. pay artists.
My current laptop doesn't even have a CD drive, so I no longer buy any of them.

I do still have a few older ones that I have an attachment to (and occasionally still use on my sister's computer), but that's it.
Nope, I have not collected CDs in years. I did collect most of the Now That's What They Call Music CDs (American version) as a teen. I fell out with collecting them as I entered high school. Now I think they got lost or thrown away, sadly.
well... not so much CD's unless you count game CD's/DVD's :p

But I do collect Laser discs, Vinyls records, and old game cartridges... also recently learned blank Cassette tapes are still being made so I've been restoring a tape deck so I can make my own mixtapes :p

I threw all of them away. Most skipped anyways.

It's all streaming now or XM.

I might have 10 DVDs and they just collect dust :LOL:
Both my CD and DVD players are still here with me and I have thousands of disc which most of them have damaged and won't or can't be playable again.

I only play on DVD player once in a while but majorly, I have moved also into playing more through streaming on Spotify and Netflix.
My father is still collecting heavily on discs. Most of his movies are watched on disc. He doesn't like streaming anything online including music. I watch some movies on Blu-Ray disc once in a while. It's better than DVD.
My father is still collecting heavily on discs. Most of his movies are watched on disc. He doesn't like streaming anything online including music. I watch some movies on Blu-Ray disc once in a while. It's better than DVD.
The last movie I got on Blu-Ray disc is the complete 8 seasons of Game of Thrones. I did that before House of The Dragon started streaming.
If you buy things on physical media, they can't delist it or remove it like Netflix does - or as HBO did not so long ago with their exclusive media.
My husband & I still buy & burn CDs. He downloads them to his MP3 player for on his way to work. We buy them at garage sales, download them, then sell them at our own garage sale lol
Kind of like recycling. That makes some sense! Especially since you can buy them cheap at garage sales. How much do they cost to buy usually at a garage sale? That's pretty smart of ya'll to do!
I personally don't buy / collect CDs because I have no system to use CDs in. My previous work car only had a radio and CD player so I made my own with a bunch of music.

My mom is a big fan of Spanish singing musicians and when in Spain she buys CDs of famous Spanish singing musicians. I know she loves Juanes and she recently bought a Rosalia CD. She has quite the collection but she also has a good entertainment center that is "old" and only takes CDs.
Kind of like recycling. That makes some sense! Especially since you can buy them cheap at garage sales. How much do they cost to buy usually at a garage sale? That's pretty smart of ya'll to do!
Oh Thank you! :) We find them for around $2 average & sell them for the same price. We do the same whether it's for music or movies.
I still own a few CDs, though not too many of them. Most of them came from my in laws, they had a few left in their collection when we moved out of our previous house. I purchased a box of random CDs from V-Stock a few years back but ended up getting rid of most of them. I kept a couple though, and I purchased a CD I meant to give to my dad a few years ago for his birthday but forgot about it lol.

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