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Do you tend to join/avoid sites that use a cerain software?


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2015
I am a bit snobbish I can admit. But I often times find myself not wanting to join a forum that uses Xenforo as many (especially in the same niche) feel/look the same and there is no uniqueness, originality or identity for them.

I am more likely to join a forum that is running IPB, however, as I am a fan of the software itself.
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I hate the softwares ProBoards and Zetaboards. It would take a really good forum to get me to join one of either software. I just find both to be a huge pain from the user end.
Usually, I don't really look at the software a forum is running in my decision whether or not to join. I definitely prefer using phpBB forums, though.
I hate the softwares ProBoards and Zetaboards. It would take a really good forum to get me to join one of either software. I just find both to be a huge pain from the user end.

I loathe using proboards. In my opinion, it is not user-friendly at all.
Usually, I don't really look at the software a forum is running in my decision whether or not to join. I definitely prefer using phpBB forums, though.

I've heard good things about phpBB. What do you like most about that software?
I avoid forums who use vB, SMF, ZetaBoards, and ProBoards. They are all outdated and just look horrible. ProBoards because, well, it's not really community oriented unless you invite people already in the PB community, which is pretty hard.
I have never really had a problem with any forum software. There may be some forum software's that I dislike that wouldn't make me decide not to sign up for a specific forum site. If I believe a specific forum site has good potential or it could offer me something good, then I will sign up. They always say, "Don't judge a book by its cover". I would also say that goes for forum sites as well.
It's all about the community behind any forum, but not the software. Totally agree with dfarmer2001
I agree but I get this "been there done that" feeling with XF forums especially forums in the same niche.

It's kind of like you always sort of date a particular race and then found yourself dating another race and it is like "this is new" lol
I avoid communities that have what I consider a hive-mind where they all agree with each other and if you say something that goes against their beliefs, they belittle or shun you.
Software never matters to me it's all about the content and people. Before I join I read and look around to make sure that it is what I am looking for, and there are times I won't join. I found a lot of forums are very clique minded and I stay away from them.
Software never matters to me it's all about the content and people. Before I join I read and look around to make sure that it is what I am looking for, and there are times I won't join. I found a lot of forums are very clique minded and I stay away from them.

One of us... One of us...

Hmmm... Reminds of... I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with edit to which I say EDIT THE FREAKIN' WEBSITE ALREADY!!
Software never matters to me it's all about the content and people. Before I join I read and look around to make sure that it is what I am looking for, and there are times I won't join. I found a lot of forums are very clique minded and I stay away from them.

A good community is very important to me as well. I mean, I come on forums to escape from cliques or hive-minded people and what's even worse is that those certain people join certain forums/social networks like Reddit and especially Tumblr. Ugh.
I hate the softwares ProBoards and Zetaboards. It would take a really good forum to get me to join one of either software. I just find both to be a huge pain from the user end.

Hands down can agree to this one fully, I dislike boards such as these (since they lack the features and direct care by administrators and moderators).
Hands down can agree to this one fully, I dislike boards such as these (since they lack the features and direct care by administrators and moderators).

What about the malware? I've said this over and over but I just hate visiting websites and getting malware.

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