Captain Junkie
A mentor is anyone that is superior to you in an area of specialization or qualification and who you can learn from and share ideas with on matters relating to business and other related issues.
Many business consultants and experts are of the opinion that a good mentor is one of the ways to self actualization in life and business, as they would serve as your personal coach and instructor who you can approach with ease to gain advice on a particular matter that you are faced with, and whose life experience or lifestyle can be a good road map to follow to be fulfilled as an individual.
A good mentor has a lot of benefit to an individual if you have a mentor , what has been the benefits of your relationship and has it helped you towards achieving your goals in business?
It is really hard to get a free mentor nowadays because people now no longer have time to discuss such kind of matters related to business or teach people for free. This is why they charge people to teach them.