Yes, there was a time when I started my journey as a freelance writer. I had to learn everything about freelancing and different skills. It took several months to learn everything myself through YouTube, online courses, and reading articles and books.Have you ever lost interest in your work? Maybe you did so much of the work that it just became a chore to do, or you just don't feel it anymore. Have you ever been there?
I have had that moment at times with the work I do. Have you? How do you overcome it? For me it was just that I needed the money, and when I got creative again, I got motivated again.
All that made me so overwhelmed that I wanted to give up because everything was new for me. But at the same time, I didn't want to give up and kept going because I didn't want to go out to do some job. I like the idea of 'working from home', so it keeps me motivated and busy.