Even if a site is a scam, you can invest a very small part of your capital and if you lose it nothing happens, currently Cryptowin.io has definitely become a scam, they had reset all the shares and all the invested bitcoin of all users disappeared, and they are acting as if nothing had happened, if my calculations are correct with more than $ 100,000 stolen in BTC.Yes, Alex wrote a review about Mosdex. At that time Mosdex was paying. However, I reminded many people that Mosdex is not regulated by any reliable authority and it might turn into a scam at any time. So, I advised people to never invest what they could not afford to lose. Alex also invested what he could afford to lose because Alex knew that such sites are not that reliable. Mosdex was supposedly paying a high profit and ROI of Mosdex was quite high. I already knew that Mosdex may not be that reliable, though.