If that gonna be possible you should endeavour to utilize it and make best use of it. And never lavish it on an unproductive business that won't yield you substantial money to repay the loan when due. You should look for better business or investment option for your future plans and enroll into.
I am back better and with confidently to tell you that I will doubled the money in 6 months.
I work present in a company and we accumulate under batteries from our heavy duty trucks on a daily basis and we ended up selling them.
The $1,500 using the official nigerian central bank exchange rate of 390 will give me 570,000 naira.
The unit cost of the condemned battery is 6,000 and that can get me 95 batteries and on each batteries in will make profit of 800 naira because I will sell immediately.
Selling immediately because I don't have extra cash to transport it to onitsha where I can make more. So selling to the middle men will reduce my profit but that will still give me 95,000 naira gain.
With 95,000 naira monthly gain for 6 months that will amount to 570,000 gain (alone).
So in 6 months I have your 570,000 (loan) and extra 570,000 (profits)
@Sincerem, I am here in 6 months with $3,000 in my hand.