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Can money buy happiness?


Mythical member
Jan 31, 2012
Can money truly buy happiness? Directly, of course not. You could buy all the things in the world and stil feel sad but indirectly, I feel that it could just about make you happy in some respects.

Say you've been treated like crap in your job and you want to quit. You have a nest egg of money build up to tide you over the jobless period, you can go go to your boss and say "Get stuffed" with the knowledge that you will be alright. Surely you will be happy at that moment.
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I suppose that without money, you're unlikely to be happy. So if you look at it like that, money does bring happiness- to a point. Is a person worth $10million going to be less happy than the same person now worth a few billion? They may be, because they feel happy in the limelight, but they may also have to spend a lot more time working to keep that wealth....
the way i see it is the money is not the important bit, the persons attitude is. if a person is happy when flat broke then they will be happy with money. if a person is miserable flat broke then they will remain miserable, or quickly become miserable again after a major windfall.

money can relieve some stresses, and can make some things easier but it is not the be all and end all and is generally less important than people think. talk to someone who has lost everything - not immediately but after they have had some time to adjust, and they will tell you they have learned actually the money wasnt the important bit they thought it was.
the way i see it is the money is not the important bit, the persons attitude is. if a person is happy when flat broke then they will be happy with money. if a person is miserable flat broke then they will remain miserable, or quickly become miserable again after a major windfall.

money can relieve some stresses, and can make some things easier but it is not the be all and end all and is generally less important than people think. talk to someone who has lost everything - not immediately but after they have had some time to adjust, and they will tell you they have learned actually the money wasnt the important bit they thought it was.

That's pretty much the psychologists view of money- the person's attitude is going to affect their happiness whether or not they have lots of money. Money, as you say relieves stress- and stress can account for a lot of illnesses which make you unhappy.
the way i see it is the money is not the important bit, the persons attitude is. if a person is happy when flat broke then they will be happy with money. if a person is miserable flat broke then they will remain miserable, or quickly become miserable again after a major windfall.

money can relieve some stresses, and can make some things easier but it is not the be all and end all and is generally less important than people think. talk to someone who has lost everything - not immediately but after they have had some time to adjust, and they will tell you they have learned actually the money wasnt the important bit they thought it was.

This just answers better than anyone could! :p
It doesn't make a person happy by having alot of money. But it is able to help the person gain things to make them happy, widening their access to resources.
Nope, I think that are brain is still programmed to accomplish things to be happy. If you notice, everything you have ever owned has eventually gone from that "Omg, look at my cool new [insert word" to just another object you throw around. Happiness doesn't last forever when you buy shit. On the other hand, if you have ever worked really hard and completed something...you feel amazing. The happiness can last a pretty long time when you complete a difficult task, while the happiness from an object (money) is very temporary. This is my theory on why big bankers look happy, but when they run out of money they decide to "opt out".
in my opinion some time you need money and some time you need just love both are important in your life... but yeah some time money can buy happiness... !
Like VIP said, it is all based on the human thinking and attitude towards money, if they think money can buy happiness for them, they will say 'yes' else 'no'
While my personal opinion is money can not buy happiness at all, with money you can buy stuffs that will give you happiness, but you can not buy happiness at all, lets say for an example, if you present a gift to your girl friend she will feel happy about it just for a while and then again demand for more gifts to get happy but this you can not say is happiness at all, rather her happiness will everytime bring grief to you, because it is you who always have to spend for the gifts while girlfriend will be happy everytime for a short period when she will see and feel the gifted thing as new, once she spends a bit of time say 2-3 days it will get old for her.
But on the other hand you may spend some valuable moments with your girlfriend and she may feel happiness of it everytime she thinks of it, that is happiness in real sense.
So for me money can no way buy happiness, it is just a pleasure to buy a thing you want and that too for a small period of time
Whoever said money cannot buy happiness did not know where to shop.

I found this wonderful TED talk which answer this very question.

I believe and know that money can buy happiness. I have never seen any poor person who is always happy, but I know so many rich people whom I have never seen unhappy ever in my life. There are so many things that money can give you which will make you very happy.

However, you do not have to be happy just because you have a lot of money. Being happy depends on how you handle your difficulties because they are the ones which usually take away your happiness.

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