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Android Dominance

Sep 15, 2012
In a new interesting study, Android seems to be really on top of phone sales.
Now as everyone will know, that is also because ios is only in one phone. The iPhone. While android is in hundreds of different phones. Thus, creating the right of choice.

Android devices accounted for 81.3% of smartphone shipments in the third quarter of 2013, according to research firm Strategy Analytics, compared with 13.4% for Apple iOS and 4.1% for Windows Phone.

Still amazing that androids are accounting for over 3 quarters of all the phones being shipped out, and sold. Especially since all you see advertised most of the time is iPhone's iOS.

Any thoughts?
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I can see why. The fact that Android is OSS means that any phone manufacturer can use and customise it for their product, which means cheaper products can be made. Therefore, Android really does appeal to the masses, not just certain types of people with (lets face it, it's true for Apple when they update their products every other year) quite a bit of money.

Also, in my opinion Android is miles better than iOS, but there are a lot of people that would disagree with that, and it's not really the topic of the thread anyway.
Android is awesome and all, but it has an extreme fragmentation problem. I love android, but it pisses me off that a phone manufacturer can pretty much fill Android with a bunch of bloat and put it on the phone and never be required to update it again. Literally, most of the "affordable" android phones will eventually have to be rooted by the user if they want to get somewhere close to an update/normal Android experience. I hate apple, but they at least are able to keep all their devices updated. Android ... you have to rely on your phone manufacturer to send out an update ... which usually never happens.
Android is awesome and all, but it has an extreme fragmentation problem. I love android, but it pisses me off that a phone manufacturer can pretty much fill Android with a bunch of bloat and put it on the phone and never be required to update it again. Literally, most of the "affordable" android phones will eventually have to be rooted by the user if they want to get somewhere close to an update/normal Android experience. I hate apple, but they at least are able to keep all their devices updated. Android ... you have to rely on your phone manufacturer to send out an update ... which usually never happens.

This has, at least in part, been fixed by Android 4.4. I've also got to say that after having my iPod Touch for two years (and when I bought it it was the newest generation) Apple stopped supporting it. My Android phone is now getting on for four years old, and its running Android 4.3.
Android is awesome and all, but it has an extreme fragmentation problem. I love android, but it pisses me off that a phone manufacturer can pretty much fill Android with a bunch of bloat and put it on the phone and never be required to update it again. Literally, most of the "affordable" android phones will eventually have to be rooted by the user if they want to get somewhere close to an update/normal Android experience. I hate apple, but they at least are able to keep all their devices updated. Android ... you have to rely on your phone manufacturer to send out an update ... which usually never happens.
This has, at least in part, been fixed by Android 4.4. I've also got to say that after having my iPod Touch for two years (and when I bought it it was the newest generation) Apple stopped supporting it. My Android phone is now getting on for four years old, and its running Android 4.3.

And Android has a point there @JLogan ! Apple may still update its OS, but its features and compatibility will still only work on latest devices. Meaning, you would still have to buy a new iPod/iPhone eventually. A good example would be iOS 7 is not compatible with iPod 4. Which really is not all that old. The iPod 5 is their newest one and its the only one compatible.

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