Joshua Farrell
Captain Junkie
If you were to add ads to your forum or website (or if you already have ads), where would you consider placing said ads?
For Leaderboard Ads, I will generally place them inbetween the header of the forum, and the content body. Rarely do I place them in the footer. For the regular banner ad (468x60), I tend to place it at the end of the content page (before the footer), or inbetween the page title and the content body. Rarely do I insert them after certain post numbers, but I have done it previously.
For Leaderboard Ads, I will generally place them inbetween the header of the forum, and the content body. Rarely do I place them in the footer. For the regular banner ad (468x60), I tend to place it at the end of the content page (before the footer), or inbetween the page title and the content body. Rarely do I insert them after certain post numbers, but I have done it previously.