While I’m launching a new project myself, I thought I’d share a few tips on how to launch a new community if you’re in the same boat as me.

Establishing an online community has become a crucial strategy for any Community Manager to connect, engage, and share ideas. And there’s a hidden treasure in starting small. The early stages of a community can be an invaluable opportunity to build a solid foundation, create meaningful connections, and set the stage for future growth. In this article, I’ll tell you how you could launch and kick start your new community.

Creating Hype

Before the launch, generate excitement by sharing teasers, sneak peeks, and countdowns on social media platforms or through email newsletters. Building anticipation can pique the interest of potential members and create a buzz around your upcoming community.

Pre-Launch Engagement

Reach out to a select group of individuals who might be interested in your community. Invite them to provide feedback on your ideas, features, and content before the official launch. Their input can help you refine your community and create a sense of involvement from the outset.

Define Clear Goals and Purpose

Clearly articulate the purpose and goals of your community. When people understand what your community stands for and what it aims to achieve, they’re more likely to resonate with it and join.

Build a Strong Online Presence

Use social media, a dedicated website, and other relevant platforms such as admin forums to showcase your community’s unique value. Share content that aligns with your community’s theme to attract like-minded individuals.

Engage in Conversation

Start engaging with potential members even before the launch. Respond to comments on your posts, participate in related discussions, and show your expertise to establish yourself as a knowledgeable and approachable community leader.

Offer Exclusive Content

Provide a taste of what’s to come by sharing valuable content that’s exclusive to your community members. This could be in the form of articles, videos, webinars, or downloadable resources that showcase the value of being part of your community.

Incorporate Feedback

Involve potential members in shaping your community by seeking feedback on features, topics, and overall user experience. This not only demonstrates that their opinions matter but also helps you tailor your community to their preferences.

Influencer Collaborations

Collaborate with influencers or thought leaders in your niche who can help spread the word about your upcoming community. Their endorsement can add credibility and attract their followers to join.

Host a Soft Launch

Before the official launch, consider a soft launch with a limited number of members. This phase allows you to test your community’s functionality, gather feedback, and work out any kinks before opening it up to a larger audience.


Remember, the development and launch of a new community require careful planning, engagement, and adaptability. If you’re creating a new community, have you found these tips to be helpful? Let me know in the comments! :)

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