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Top Posters Advertisement

Admin Junkies - Top Poster Advertisement Guide


Boost your presence on Admin Junkies! Our custom addon rewards the top poster from the past 24 hours with premium advertisement spots in the sidebar and on the "What's New" page. Here's everything you need to know.

Eligibility Criteria

Not all posts count towards the top poster status. Only contributions made in our dedicated Webmaster categories - namely, Webmaster Discussions, Services and Freelance Marketplace, and the Webmaster Extras, will be counted. Activities in the Community Involvement section will not be taken into account.

Advertisement Display

If the top poster has not set up a custom banner or link, a default advertisement will be showcased instead.

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Credit Exchange System

We've designed this system with flexibility in mind. If, for some reason, you wish not to use this promotional feature, you have the opportunity to 'sell' your advertisement slot. Here's how it works:

  • Imagine you don't want to display your banner for a given day.
  • You can create a thread in the marketplace, opening the floor for offers.
  • Another member can propose a deal - for example, offering credits in exchange for using their banner and link in your top poster slot.
  • This enables a vibrant exchange system, adding another layer of community involvement and interaction.

How to Setup

If you're the top poster and wish to showcase your banner, ensure you've set up your preferred banner and link in the dedicated section. If not, the default banner will take precedence. Visit the Top Poster Advertisement



This initiative aims to foster engagement, reward consistent contributors, and provide an avenue for members to promote their content or exchange value. Make the most out of it and see your efforts on Admin Junkies get the visibility they deserve!

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