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Advanced Statistics

Admin Junkies Advanced Statistics Help

Welcome to Admin Junkies Advanced Statistics

Get ready to dive into the world of advanced statistics with this exciting new addon. Admin Junkies offers a range of features to help you gain insights into your activity on our platform.

Feature Summary

Discover the power of advanced statistics with the following features:

  • Daily, weekly, and monthly statistics
  • List of reactions sent and received
  • Total statistics and other custom data
  • Conversations, profile posts, and chat statistics
  • Global statistics for a broader view
  • Customizable date and time settings
  • Advanced statistics accessible through ACP (Admin Control Panel) and your profile

Customize Your Preferences

You have control over who can see your statistics. Choose from the following options:

  • Everyone can see them
  • Only those who follow you and you follow
  • Only the people you follow
  • Only the people who follow you
  • Nobody


Users can view advanced statistics, giving you the ability to share your insights or keep them private, as you prefer.

Take full advantage of these advanced statistics to better understand your engagement and interactions on Admin Junkies. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help. Enjoy exploring the enhanced experience!

See Advanced Statistics.

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