Well, my forum's domain name is 'Myanimeforum.net' . I got it as it's relevant to my forum and it's easy to remember. Well, I couldn't get other domain names like animeforum(.com and .net) and I had to settle for the second best option.
Also, earlier this forum used to be animemangaforum.com and as it's difficult to remember and hard to type, we switched to myanimeforum. It's a generalized niche based community now unlike the very first forum, onepieceforum.net which is all about one particular anime and that is One piece.
So, that's the story behind my forum's domain. It's got a long history and so far I changed the domain 5 times. For now, I believe I will stick to this myanimeforum.net for the next 5 years or so.
I don't want to change the domain name yet again.