Reddit's downfall is the ideology and/or ideologues that moderates the subs. At some point reddit is going to have a massive riot, and bleed traffic as if it hasn't already.
Its eventually going to transform into a mini-4chan. Like, the extremes.
Reddit follows the free forums model of yesteryear. It's about the community, just like Admin Junkies and all of us who are running forums.
Yes, and no. The design of Reddit is vastly different from most "free-forum" solutions on the market. Reddit is basically autonomous "forums" as you
indirectly said. I don't know how they designed everything, because it allows you to create a new topic, that acts like a separate forum, and under that "sub" is threaded posts. You got a thread starter post, but under that text is the replies.
But social media caters to ME-ism, which is an unfortunate trait that modern society is hooked on. "Look at me" "Listen to me" "Ain't my life just beautiful" "Certainly you would want to friend ME" "Look at all MY followers". Reddit simply cannot offer that.
But reddit profiles has a bit of social media. Just a lil bit. However, the fact that it's got a different design, there is a yes and no answer here, too.
See, each sub has a moderation team, and an admin. Ok? In theory this could work, and isolate the bad apples, but what if those mods are ideologues? Then you have communists trying to stifle people from becoming famous.