If you want to profit from ebooks, what niches do you think will bring you a lot of sales?
Well, in my experience, micro niches are the best niches for ebooks
Rather than releasing an ebook on a broad topic, consider eBooks that cater to micro-niches. What exactly are micro-niches? Micro niche means niching down the topics. For instance, instead of publishing an eBook titled "How to Grow Vegetables," explore topics like "Starting Container Gardening," "Mastering Patotoes Cultivation," "Growing Peppers in Grow Bags," and "Staring Urban Gardening."
When you niche down to micro niches, you will get two advantages, search-friendly titles and niche audience.
Well, in my experience, micro niches are the best niches for ebooks
Rather than releasing an ebook on a broad topic, consider eBooks that cater to micro-niches. What exactly are micro-niches? Micro niche means niching down the topics. For instance, instead of publishing an eBook titled "How to Grow Vegetables," explore topics like "Starting Container Gardening," "Mastering Patotoes Cultivation," "Growing Peppers in Grow Bags," and "Staring Urban Gardening."
When you niche down to micro niches, you will get two advantages, search-friendly titles and niche audience.