There are a lot of things you can do as a virtual assistant, here are some virtual assistant jobs that are in demand
Website Manager: This is one of the popular jobs in the virtual assistant market. You will have to manage blogs, forums, online stores, or any kind of website. You will have to keep the website updated.
Event Planner: You might need to create events for your clients. The events could be webinar, sales, marketing events, etc. Your job will be to help your client manage and run events.
Reputation Management: Your job will be to improve your clients public profile.
Website Manager: This is one of the popular jobs in the virtual assistant market. You will have to manage blogs, forums, online stores, or any kind of website. You will have to keep the website updated.
Event Planner: You might need to create events for your clients. The events could be webinar, sales, marketing events, etc. Your job will be to help your client manage and run events.
Reputation Management: Your job will be to improve your clients public profile.