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You know in every country government are suppose to at least do something to support the citizens. So what is that thing that your government has done for you
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Government don't have to find somebody directly or point and in order to do something for a particular person, that's a citizen government having responsibilities to satisfy all the citizens, but here in Nigeria we have forgotten about government we only survive or what we can do in the daily basis. So we are surviving good at government.
Well as for me I will say that it is the will of God because presently now in my country government has not done anything reasonable, here in my country we are experiencing hardship and very bad and poor economic system so government have not done anything reasonable for now for any citizen.
In every country governmentThey had done so many things, specially corrupting financial help from other countries that supposedly help for victims of calamities.
Unlucky to have a goverment like that.In every country government
support every citizen to support financially.Government also established different projects to support their peoples
But unfortunately in our country government have no proper channel and planning about their citizens.Mostly young generation are un employed
I have benefited a lot from the government of my country most especially in my education. I attended a federal government owned school.and I didn't pay for tuition fees.You know in every country government are suppose to at least do something to support the citizens. So what is that thing that your government has done for you
I could say absolutely nothing, I only once got a household palliative during Covid 19 and that was last year, other than that no jobs, electricity, health care zero.....You know in every country government are suppose to at least do something to support the citizens. So what is that thing that your government has done for you
I think our government play an important role because of the best things to do in the future I would like you 😊 i a few questions for us to one another and earn money and enjoy the rest of business we are many things that we should be struggle is real estate agent is very important because it.You know in every country government are suppose to at least do something to support the citizens. So what is that thing that your government has done for you
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