In order to invest, you need money. You can have funds for investment if you have acquired cash, if you sell assets, if you borrow, or if you have savings. For most people saving is the only way to build investment funds. Therefore, saving and investing go hand in hand. To invest, you first need to save money.
If you want to invest you have to work hard to save up some money. It does not matter where you want to invest, or how much you want to invest, you still need to save regularly for an extensive period of time to save money so that you can start investing in the stock market, real estate, bonds, etc.
If you want to invest you have to work hard to save up some money. It does not matter where you want to invest, or how much you want to invest, you still need to save regularly for an extensive period of time to save money so that you can start investing in the stock market, real estate, bonds, etc.