You might wonder why after some years, your business never grows. It remains as it is fewer buyers or customers and profit is very small you cannot almost pay your workers and yourself. Of course, as a business owner, you have to pay yourself too. Have you tried to ask yourself why your business looks poor and unappealing to the people in the community? If not, the blame falls on you. You lack passion for your business, that is one obvious reason. If you have passion for your business, you want to see it grow fat and look like a pro. Another reason is, that you are not good to the people in your community. You might be strict, unfriendly, and indifferent. People like an approachable and accommodating business owner. It is not too late to improve your treatment of the people in your community. They are your business assets and not liabilities, so never feel them a burden to you. It is time to make a change.