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May 28, 2013
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.

The official project website, providing support and additional downloads such as modules and templates, can be found at https://namelessmc.com/

The following list is a brief summary of the features available in v2:

  • 🙋 Forums
  • 📃 Custom pages: create your own HTML pages and even restrict access to them depending on group.
  • 👥 Social logins: allow your users to register/login with services such as Discord and Google.
  • 🎮 Minecraft integration
    • Display your Java edition or Bedrock servers statuses
    • Account verification using MCAssoc or the NamelessMC plugin
    • In-game plugin
      • Require in-game verification for NamelessMC accounts
      • Allow registering for accounts in-game
      • Synchronise Vault ranks with NamelessMC groups (unidirectional, game->website)
      • Display website announcements in chat
      • Whitelist players who have a website account
      • Ban players who are banned from a website
      • Display PlaceholderAPI placeholders on website user profiles or in leaderboards
  • 🗨️ Discord integration
    • Webhook: receive updates for new members, forum posts, resources, etc.
    • Nameless-Link Discord bot
      • Link Discord accounts with NamelessMC accounts
      • Synchronise Discord roles with NamelessMC groups (bidirectional)
  • ⚙️ API - Write your own integrations or use one of ours (see above)
  • 🧩 New powerful module system allowing for further NamelessMC integration.
  • ✏️ New template and language systems, allowing for total customisation.
  • ✨ Pretty URL option (requires mod_rewrite or special nginx config).
  • 🎛 Widgets: allows modules to create widgets which can be displayed on most user-facing pages and display almost anything.
  • 🚩 Translated into over 20 languages

I've installed a demo on https://demo.admin-junkies.com/namelessmc/ if anyone wants to try it out. It's a pretty cool piece of software. I've added some screenshots. This could be used for a nice live community not necessarily Minecraft themed.

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