It's Namecheap's BirthdayNO COUPON NEEDED
Renew and save!
On this date in the year 2000, Namecheap came into the world. Sweet sixteen years later, we're the internet's fastest-growing registrar, and you made it possible. To show how much we appreciate customers like you, today only you can take 15% off domain renewals. Renew as many domains as you like. It's our way of saying thanks for choosing Namecheap.
To get started, just log in to your account and visit the Domain List at left.
Renew and save!
On this date in the year 2000, Namecheap came into the world. Sweet sixteen years later, we're the internet's fastest-growing registrar, and you made it possible. To show how much we appreciate customers like you, today only you can take 15% off domain renewals. Renew as many domains as you like. It's our way of saying thanks for choosing Namecheap.
To get started, just log in to your account and visit the Domain List at left.