Hey guys, I found out an interesting article with this question so I thought it would be nice to share it with you.
Basically, the Piano is a complex instrument. We know the keys have strings and their length determine their sound but rather than we caressing the strings directly as we'd do playing the harp, the piano got those hammers inside to strike the right spot and withdraw for the next press, haha.
Which classification do you feel that suits it better?
Basically, the Piano is a complex instrument. We know the keys have strings and their length determine their sound but rather than we caressing the strings directly as we'd do playing the harp, the piano got those hammers inside to strike the right spot and withdraw for the next press, haha.
https://www.britannica.com/story/is-the-piano-a-percussion-or-a-stringed-instrument said:On a piano, however, those vibrations are initiated by hammers hitting the strings rather than by plucking or by moving a bow across them. So, the piano also falls into the realm of percussion instruments. As a result, today the piano is generally considered to be both a stringed and a percussion instrument.
Which classification do you feel that suits it better?