For most people who have excess money, of course the three financial instruments will not be a problem, which one to choose, of course they will choose all three, be it saving, investing and buying an insurance policy. But for people who have limited income, it is not possible to choose all three, so one must be taken.
Savings only provide small interest, so the growth of the money owned will be very slow, while insurance only applies according to the policy agreement, it cannot be used for other purposes. Investment promises greater returns but also high risk, So in your opinion, for people who have limited income, where is the best place to allocate money?
Savings only provide small interest, so the growth of the money owned will be very slow, while insurance only applies according to the policy agreement, it cannot be used for other purposes. Investment promises greater returns but also high risk, So in your opinion, for people who have limited income, where is the best place to allocate money?