I registered my first domain in 2015 but I sold that domain (and also the website associated with the domain). The oldest domain I have was registered in 2016, I am using this domain as my primary domain for my web hosting account. Most of the domains I own currently are at least 5 years old. How old are the domains you currently own?
The domain where my email address is registered dates back to 2002. After that I have several domains from 2006-2008, some from 2012, some from 2014, some from 2016, some from 2018, then some from each year from 2020 to this year (including domains bought earlier this month)
The first time I purchased a domain name was in 2012, though I no longer have that domain name. Now the oldest domain I currently have is almost three years old, but I'm not doing much with it.
Oldest is 2 decades old... I don't have a site running on it (resolves back to my current forum), but it's still used as my primary email domain (hosted with Google).
My next oldest is 11 years... and it hosts my personal blog.
I have one active site (playing with SMF on it) that's been registered for 7 years and then my current site which has been registered for 5 but only really active for about the last year.
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