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How often do you have to hire staff on your forum?

Aug 13, 2013
How often do you have to hire staff on your forum? Do you hire the staff yourself or does someone else help you with the hiring process? Do you let team leaders hire staff members?
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I wouldn't say that I hire staff too often as I only hire as and when I need to. I always go by the 100 member to 1 staff member role in some cases but if things start to get busy, I will hire more staff if needed.

I would love to be able to hire staff paid as I know that so many people are wanting to work for a fee but unfortunately, at the moment I am unable to do. Instead, I hire voluntarily at the moment but do state if I am ever able to offer an incentive I will let them know.
I know in previous forums I tried to reanalyze the forum staff every 3 months. That's pretty consistent with how frequently people are able to last and stay active. Some may have to retire due to circumstances going on and after given some time they are still struggling to be online - with that I retire them and let them have the chance to come back later when things are running a bit better. With that depending on the team, I may have to rehire immediately - but that's why I like to look at the "big picture" every 3 months and have the changes all have within the same period if possible.

If there are team leads/managers I definitely want them to be a part of the hire process. I've allowed whole teams access to applications before as well. I definitely like at the very least the admins/team lead/manager roles helping decide, and perhaps ask staff members - I think this depends on the relationships of a forum team!

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