There is no fixed correct answer to the right way to become rich and have financial abundance. Your approach towards moving forward to the goal of financial dependence would totally depend on your personal situations. Your financial capacity, avenues to earn, financial obligations etc totally determine the way you would set up your financial plans. Everyone has a financial goal in both short term and long term. And one works towards that in different ways. We all try to make more money through savings and investments. Our investment would depend a lot on our risk appetite and that too would be driven by our financial obligations and the risk that we can actually afford to take with all prevailing situations.
One can not blindly follow the path that others follow. But there is always something that one can learn from other's financial journey, of their savings and investments. One can always take some learning from others and implement it in their life if it suits them and works for them.
Please feel free to share how you go about your savings and investments. Do feel free to share how you started with it. Let's learn from each other's journey.
Thank you
One can not blindly follow the path that others follow. But there is always something that one can learn from other's financial journey, of their savings and investments. One can always take some learning from others and implement it in their life if it suits them and works for them.
Please feel free to share how you go about your savings and investments. Do feel free to share how you started with it. Let's learn from each other's journey.
Thank you