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How effective is article spinning and link wheels?

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Quite effective, it is a very useful method which a lot of people do. I have seen what it can do and how it can contribute to a forums SEO as I personally do it and have done it for a forum my friend runs. I wrote a load of guides for him which had key keywords in and every time I wrote one, the next day you went on the thread you would see it saying "XXX guests are viewing this" when every other thread had like 5.

That's just an example, even if you dont get all XXX signing up and you only get one, it is still better than nothing. That and Google likes the method from what I understand. :p
So I guess, I should just spin the articles I wrote in here and submit it to article directories!
Do you have any list of directories which will accept spun articles?
If you have quite a few hours it is the most successful form of SEO you can do! I printed off an article once on how to successfully build one- I'll see if I can find it and get the link!!!
If you have quite a few hours it is the most successful form of SEO you can do! I printed off an article once on how to successfully build one- I'll see if I can find it and get the link!!!

Sounds good Sam, I'd look forward to reading it. No reason to not boost my knowledge! On another side of things, Article Spinning and link building is a good way to incorporate another SEO method as well. LSI Keywords. :)
Just seen this! Thanks for that Sam, bookmarked on my iPad for a little bedtime reading. :p
I dont know much about article spinning,
But im sure link wheels can get you in trouble with search engines.
Basically its like building lots of websites to link to other websites you own.
Black Hat, .. I would say!
Link wheels are not blackhat. You are devoting your time writing unique good quality articles. And that way you are writing content for visitors and readers. In my opinion if you are doing anything solely for search engines it could be blackhat. But here in link wheels you're writing good content which can be beneficial for the readers. So its whitehat imho!

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