If it weren't for the coding resources available on the board, I'd probably have little to no log-ins per day, so naturally being a resource board I try and keep the resources coming in. Although, it's very hard to think of consistent ideas for new codes to create. I probably have a plethora of skins I can convert from ZetaBoards to Jcink, it's just hard finding the resources to do so (such as the original author's permission, a Wayback Machine page to see the skin live, etc.).
I do have a forum shop where members can earn extra perks through credits, but it has never seen much use.
I don't know what else I can do since we're a resource board and I'm offering resources, support, and requests to the best of my knowledge. The "general discussion" areas aren't the main focus, but of course, it would always be nice to see that area more active from time to time.