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How do you pass time at the airport?

Jul 27, 2023
I find it difficult to pass time at the airport! Every time I reach about 3hrs before the flight, but I get done with my check-in & security checks within an hour. So, I end up having 2hrs in hand. Usually, I try to utilize the free lounge access using debit/credit cards and sit back and have the food they offer and just watch some videos on the internet (shorts mostly). Even after doing all that I feel time is passing very slowly :p

Please share some ideas if you have any.
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Our traveling is done by RV
I bet traveling by RV must be amazing! I wouldn't want to be the driver of a big vehicle like that, but to experience a home on wheels would be fun! We had to travel from Texas to West Virginia in a car and a U-Haul to move my sister up there. The sightseeing was fun, but most of it is grass and trees where the GPS leads you.
I bet traveling by RV must be amazing! I wouldn't want to be the driver of a big vehicle like that
It's a blast... ours is a travel trailer and not a classs A or C style motorhome.
It has as much room in it as most peoples 1 bedroom apartment, so it's comfortable... and I've pulled trailers for most of my driving life (has to do with being raised as a country boy).
The neat thing is you frequently find stuff that you will never come across by flying... small little towns that have a family owned easting establishment with fantastic food or even local history that has been preserved. The problem with it for most is the time involved... but being retired, we do it for the enjoyment, not the get from point A to point B aspect.
The neat thing is you frequently find stuff that you will never come across by flying... small little towns that have a family owned easting establishment with fantastic food or even local history that has been preserved. The problem with it for most is the time involved... but being retired, we do it for the enjoyment, not the get from point A to point B aspect.
Yeah, doing it for enjoyment instead of trying to get to points A and B is a great idea for the usage of an RV! There's definitely lots to see out there and an RV is one cool way about seeing it all!
I've only been on a plane twice in my life, this was months before 9/11 happened. I went to Florida with my grandma, sister, her friend and her friend's granddaughter. I remember bringing my Gameboy along with us so I had something to do while we were waiting for our plane. Now days I'd rather take a train if need be.
I've only been on a plane twice in my life, this was months before 9/11 happened. I went to Florida with my grandma, sister, her friend and her friend's granddaughter. I remember bringing my Gameboy along with us so I had something to do while we were waiting for our plane. Now days I'd rather take a train if need be.
Oh I see! Even I prefer to go by train but I can't since my hometown is about 1250 miles away from the city I work in. So, if I choose to go by train, it'll take 36hrs for me to reach. So, I take flights which get me there in 2.25 hrs.
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I usually buy overpriced food and look around all of the shops to complain about the price. Once I've done that, I'll usually start reading a book I've bought with me or watch TikTok, both of which tends to make the time fly.
I usually buy overpriced food and look around all of the shops to complain about the price. Once I've done that, I'll usually start reading a book I've bought with me or watch TikTok, both of which tends to make the time fly.
Haha true! Everything is so expensive at the airport. The prices are almost tripled at my place.
I usually buy overpriced food and look around all of the shops to complain about the price. Once I've done that, I'll usually start reading a book I've bought with me or watch TikTok, both of which tends to make the time fly.
Tell me about it, For a cup of simple coffee and muffin was $35
After a long 10 hours flight, you then have three hours at the airport. You end up walking for 3 hours and can't wait to rest your legs for the next flight. Hong Kong airport for you LOL
This! :p

I spent the early part of my career bouncing back and forth between the UK and US, and it was absolutely tiring; I'd find myself trying to stretch my legs and enjoy standing up as much as I could before the long flight out there. Normally still spent some time in Weatherspoon's though, just did it standing because it did indeed:
I find it makes air travel seem quicker.
It usually depends on the time of day for me, the airport I'm flying from and the flight I'll be taking.

When I go next week, I'm flying at 5:45am with hand luggage only (first time ever going abroad without a checked-in hold suitcase!), so I'll be arriving to the airport later than I normally would. I'm already checked in and I've got my boarding passes, so it'll be straight up through security and hopefully straight onto the plane. Not going to bother with breakfast as the flight time is just under 2 hours so it should still be quite early to have breakfast when I land.

Usually if its an early morning flight, I'll stay at an airport hotel the night before, then once I've checked my bags in, I'll have a wander through duty free to get some new aftershave, go somewhere for breakfast and the infamous airport pint (maybe a pint of vodka for me though).

If it's a late morning or afternoon flight, I usually just drive to the airport in the morning and I'll have booked the lounge at the airport so we can just chill, have something to eat and have some drinks. You usually get drinks tokens to use, the last time I went it was 4 each, so it was great. And of course, you can help yourself to as much food as you like. Of course, stopping at duty free on the way to the lounge too.

I rarely take a flight out to somewhere at night, I can't remember the last time I got a flight out that was after 2pm to be honest. When I go to Turkey next year, I'm flying out at 3:10pm, so I'm sure I'll book the lounge for that.

On the way home, it's slightly different as you try to get your bearings in the airport, sometimes the service is a bit slower too... but then I'd just find somewhere to sit and eat, or have a look at the shops.
I’d love to pretend like I do something productive, but I normally just go to the bar and drink enough to need to sleep it off during the flight. I find it makes air travel seem quicker.
I like this idea! 😁
Tell me about it, For a cup of simple coffee and muffin was $35
Haha! Habibi welcome to airport 🤣

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