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Forum Packages - Your Opinion

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Some on here have voiced negative opinions like packages were boring etc.. What might be done to improve things? I wanted to make this thread cause my thread in the feedback section was closed before I could reply.


I read through that other thread a couple of days ago and I was actually keen to add to the discussion..... until reaching the final post & realizing the thread had already been closed apparently.😂

I've an idea I'd like to present....however, unfortunately I haven't the time to do so right this moment.
Hopefully later today I will.
It's hard to keep package team members around and such. I used to help run a package team, and people would come and go often from that role. This was of course during the mid to late 2000s when resource/webmaster/admin forums were active more than they are now. I personally feel like they can help you out as long as the poster is not just doing a crappy job.
🤔Hmmm, on second thought, I'm going to refrain from freely sharing my actual idea.

Some on here have voiced negative opinions like packages were boring etc..
"boring"...? = "negative"...?

😂Jason, how in the actual mcf_ck did you conclude that as being "negative".

I can tell ya that the standard posting packages are excruciatingly bloody boring mate, and then some.

Is my above opinion "negative"?

And if you believe so, then how & why?

What might be done to improve things? I wanted to make this thread cause my thread in the feedback section was closed before I could reply.
What is your motivator for proposing this?

If ya couldn't reply to the first one it mustn't have be all too important then aye.

Can't be the reciprocal sharing of ideas motivating ya, because so far you've failed to reciprocate in even the simplest way possible, by visibly indicating acknowledgement of a single post in your own thread.

[*Jason - Last seen @10:16pm Monday.]

[*Post #2 - occurred @10:10am Monday, 22 minutes after the initial creation of this thread-(@09:48AM)]

[*Post #3 - occurred @11:07AM Monday, 1 hour 19 minutes after initial thread creation.]

Which suggests ignoring activity within your own thread for 12 hours before eventually abandoning it altogether,...for several days so far.

Seems this thread, like the previous one, probably would have already been closed if not for me & Max—& now also Cindy.

What are ya Jason...😏 a bot?, a Sock?...&/or another boredom inducing posting package service hustler uncreatively fishing for other's original-potentially profitable-ideas being freely shared? Possibly so ya can hijack 'em...
What are ya Jason...😏 a bot?, a Sock?...&/or another boredom inducing posting package service hustler uncreatively fishing for other's original-potentially profitable-ideas being freely shared? Possibly so ya can hijack 'em...
No, he is not a matching IP of anyone here already. Likely a package poster or so. I just checked to see.

I can tell ya that the standard posting packages are excruciatingly bloody boring mate, and then some.
Honestly agreed. I have seen some post the same thread titles and content across various forums before.
You need a really good core team of posters, and I think other sites do a decent job of offering posting packages. I'm not quite sure what FXP would add that other sites aren't already doing.


I read through that other thread a couple of days ago and I was actually keen to add to the discussion..... until reaching the final post & realizing the thread had already been closed apparently.😂

I've an idea I'd like to present....however, unfortunately I haven't the time to do so right this moment.
Hopefully later today I will.
Would be curious if you have any ideas on ideas regarding posting packages?
I see a lot of forums selling posting packages, however, the major problem with these packages is most forums seem to have almost the same people in the package team. Likewise, most people in the package team are also not offering quality posting.

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