Were you ever promised a a promotion, but never ended up getting it, or someone else did instead? I've never been promised a promotion or upgraded job, but I sure would like to. But I haven't gone through something like this, but have you?
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I have never found myself in a situation whereby I was promised a promotion and it never got to happen. This is something that is going to be very frustrating for someone who went through this kind of experience because I believe that the person must have made arrangements on how to strategize with his new position at the office but it will end up being all for nothing.
Not exactly, but to some extents. I said that because whenever someone is promoted at my place, there will be some benefits attached to it. But for my case I was promoted but denied the benefits. I felt really bad about it.
I have worked in a place where it was a really hard thing to get promoted and it was basically a part-time job, so I reckon that many people never even focused on getting promoted. Regardless of this, if you never get promoted, then I think that talking to the manager about it may help.
I once worked at a job where I was promised a promotion and a pay rise after 4 months. But just in 17 days my boss picked up a fight with me and I quit the job. I have no experience with other jobs where I was promised a promotion and never received it.
Well, when you're working on a part time job, I don't think that you have any right to be looking at being promoted. It doesn't work like that in any temporary job I have come across. It's only those who are work on full time permanent jobs that are entitled to being promoted.
Do you even know what I'm thinking? It's actually looking to me like your boss intentionally started the fight with you just to make sure you didn't stay long on the job and get promoted with better pay. He might have been doing the same thing to others before without you knowing.
I am promised to be promoted for a month already and can't stand the fact that I am just lied to because I feel that i won't be promoted, but at the same time I don't want to quit my job
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