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Do you have any phobia?


Reputable member
Sep 30, 2022
There's only one phobia that I would never like to experience at any point in my life and it's being broke (bankrupt). It's capable of give me high blood pressure.

But apart from that, I have a very strong phobia for water. Water scares me to death and it's why I can't swim or even feel comfortable travelling by sea.
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I don't think I have any phobias though there are times when I get scared but Its not a consistent fear of the same thing.
I'm very scared of insects. It doesn't matter any kind of insect it has to be. Rats too, I can't stand them.
Thunderstorm and lightning scares me to death. I would never leave my house whenever it's raining and even being at home, I would lock everywhere and cover my ears.
I have quite a few phobias myself. My first one is a fear of heights, I absolutely hate being high up and feeling unsafe. My second is spiders, just can't stand them at all, especially the huge house spiders we get in the UK around Summer and Autumn time, fear of not having enough money to live or be financially stable is another but I feel especially at the moment, that is a fear most have and the final one is a fear of dying.
The main one is spiders. Brrrrr.
Flying. I can't be on the plane. It gives me so much freight that the whole space wouldn't be comfortable for anyone on the plane. It's why I don't like fly. I prefer being on the train than on the plane.
I have quite a few phobias myself. My first one is a fear of heights, I absolutely hate being high up and feeling unsafe. My second is spiders, just can't stand them at all, especially the huge house spiders we get in the UK around Summer and Autumn time, fear of not having enough money to live or be financially stable is another but I feel especially at the moment, that is a fear most have and the final one is a fear of dying.
I have a fear of dying too, I don’t like the uncertainty of what happens after we die - Heaven/Hell, is there an afterlife… and all that.

My day to day phobia is of dogs. A week rarely goes by without some kinda attack by a dog.
Add another to the heights list. I can't even look up at a tall building. The best I can manage and sometimes that is a struggle is standing on a chair to change a light bulb.
Add another to the heights list. I can't even look up at a tall building. The best I can manage and sometimes that is a struggle is standing on a chair to change a light bulb.
Wow, so many height phobias! Why am I not surprised???

For those of you with height phobia… how are you with roller coasters, high ropes adventures and zip lines?
I have a phobia of heights and spiders. I feel so unsteady and unsafe when I am high up.
I don't mind the small skinny spiders if they are on the ceiling, it's the spiders you get in the summer that I hate. I had to try to get 3 to 4 of them out of my room this summer without going anywhere near it, lol.
I have a phobia of heights and spiders. I feel so unsteady and unsafe when I am high up.
I don't mind the small skinny spiders if they are on the ceiling, it's the spiders you get in the summer that I hate. I had to try to get 3 to 4 of them out of my room this summer without going anywhere near it, lol.
Heights and spiders… you clearly have the genes from @Shortie . LOL :p

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