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Do you allow your members to have personal blogs?

Sep 5, 2012
Some forum software have a blog system that comes along with the forums. Do you allow your members to have personal blogs? I have the blog system enabled on one of my forums, and I'm the only one who seems to be using it. I don't think my forum really needs it, but it's a great place for me to vent and rant without having to navigate to Wordpress and make my own personal blog which is why I haven't disabled the feature. xD
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I think you could do something in the vein of programming tutorials or customisation guides if you wanted to go there, though.
I have in the past. I have intention to do it anymore.

In the past, it was never a commonly used feature. I don't think it would be now.

You can market a Blogger or WP.com or Tumblr blog better than one on a forum. You'll have a better URL structure, too.

I think blogs on forums only take away from the forum and are not used as much for the most part.

So, it's a feature I typically stay away from.
Yes, sure. I will happily allow members to use the in-built blog system. Especially when they want some recognition, or are not skilled enough to set up their own blog.

My forum software offers a blog module. But I have not installed it yet.
We had blogs on Zetaboards, and even before that on Invisionfree we had a Blogging section sometimes and members would post their journal entries in their one topic. Back in the day I liked it, I liked having an outlet that was on the forum and not on another website. Also people could share experiences with one another and feel like part of eachother's lives. I can't see much for it these days really.

Such as Admin Junkies - if we had a blog for members to create - perhaps it could be their forum updates, but we have a section for that already... General forums would be journaling. Media forums could be "Currently watching and ratings/reviews". I don't think we would see much interactions in these cases though either.

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