I remember as a teenager first starting to try and make money online coming across URL shorteners. I think it was bit.ly or something back then. They would pay something ridiculously miniscule like $1.50 for 5000 clicks through your shortened URL. We all shared these links in the hopes that one day one would take off and we'd make a fortune, but I don't recall ever actually receiving a payment from any of these URL shortening services, probably because it's likely I gave up and lost interest in it before getting to whatever the payment thresholds were.
I'm just wondering, does anybody else have any experience making money using these URL shortening services? Are there any still around now that are paying out even a reasonable rate?
Looking forward to hearing what you've got to share, thanks!
I'm just wondering, does anybody else have any experience making money using these URL shortening services? Are there any still around now that are paying out even a reasonable rate?
Looking forward to hearing what you've got to share, thanks!