Making Money Online is easier than making money offline because there are multiple options available. For example, if you can start earning from tiktok just from lip-syncing videos, which is not possible in the real works. Some of the popular options are:
Building website: You can start a blog, a forum, online stores, etc. and make money through monetization or by selling websites.
Side Jobs: You can find earning opportunities on freelance sites, remote job sites, etc. You can even work full time on these jobs
Monetize Social Media: You can monetize your social media pages and make money
Sell Online: You can sell through ecommerce market, social sites or even your own site
Building website: You can start a blog, a forum, online stores, etc. and make money through monetization or by selling websites.
Side Jobs: You can find earning opportunities on freelance sites, remote job sites, etc. You can even work full time on these jobs
Monetize Social Media: You can monetize your social media pages and make money
Sell Online: You can sell through ecommerce market, social sites or even your own site