When I started, that was indeed my primary reason. I was 18 years old and was suffering from scars from 10 years of my harsh father ordering me about and I assumed that all my future employers would be like that. I was projecting, wanting to avoid more abuse in any way possible.
Part of the reason that I'm still in the space is that I am still suffering from the choices that past me made, pouring all of my education and experience into this space. Now I earn more money online because I trained myself to be good here, and my grass is greener on the virtual side of the fence.
The other part of the reason is that I want to be a writer, that is what is most satisfying to me, and in order to do that, you have to deal with the Internet. I'm okay with writing for bosses these days - in fact that is preferable to having to do all of the web design myself, which I find miserable - as long as they pay me well enough. And most writing bosses are making content for the internet these days, which is still online. Past me was pretty smart in that respect.
However, I still have a bunch of web design projects that I need to finish anyway, because, you know, past me. Also I'm worried that the bosses will not pay me enough to advance my life and do the things that I want to do, in which case I will have to start my own business and outcompete them. It's not so much about avoiding a boss or bosses and control for me these days as much as it is about getting more money.