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Content Creation: Do you plan ahead or Go with the flow?

May 28, 2013
The planning (or lack thereof) behind starting a new blog or forum is crucial when it's comes to content creation. Do you meticulously plan every detail of your new venture, or are you more of a "let's see where this goes" type? I'm curious to hear your thoughts and experiences!

Do you have a posting plan for your forum/blog?

Some webmasters swear by having a well-defined posting plan. They believe it keeps them on track, ensures regular content updates, and helps maintain consistency. This approach often involves creating an editorial calendar, setting posting schedules, and even brainstorming content ideas months in advance. I like to create a list of possibilities for me to post about. Sometimes when I'm having a writers block, I'll revisit that list and see something worthy of posting about.

Or do you start one "just because"?

On the flip side, there are those who believe in the spontaneity of blogging and forum discussions. They argue that the best content often comes from the heart, and planning too much can stifle creativity. Some might start a blog or forum on a whim, driven by passion and curiosity without a concrete plan in place.

Do you think a plan for your forum or blog might help?

Let's discuss the benefits of having a plan. Does it help you stay organized, ensure a consistent flow of content, and maintain your focus on long-term goals? Share your success stories or challenges in sticking to a posting plan.

Or are you able to come up with ideas and small plans as you go?

Conversely, there's the "go with the flow" approach. Some webmasters argue that they thrive on spontaneity and adapt to their audience's changing interests. They create content and forum discussions as inspiration strikes and believe that this organic approach resonates more with their readers.

So, what's your take? Do you meticulously plan every step of your forum or blog journey, or do you embrace the uncertainty and adapt as you go? Share your strategies, experiences, and any tips you have for finding the right balance between planning and spontaneity in the world of webmastering.
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When first creating a forum I definitely planned out most things before I opened... Layout names & general layout, topic ideas. Competition/monthly things. I had goals I'd like to reach. I often came up with creative events to keep things fresh and keep everyone interested. Sometimes I would become spontaneous with the different events and not plan them too much ahead, but otherwise I was consistently creating new content at least a month ahead of time.

I get topic ideas that I consider before posting them and try to find more details to add to it. Then create them, and other times I have random thoughts where I'm like "OOOH good idea."

I think it is a good mixture of both honestly.
"Every piece needs a capturing, precise headline. Give readers a glimpse of what's to come while ensuring it's search engine-friendly."
"Split your content using subheadings. This helps readers in scanning and grasping your content's essence. They'll appreciate your clarity."
"Visuals can be your content's best friend. They're attention-grabbers and quickly communicate your message. Image captions are golden nuggets of information. But keep it relevant."

I'm more of a visual person. Believe it or not I was just reading your article about content creation, Cedric. I like everything to look neat and organized, while also being true and authentic to the subject matter. In order to accomplish this it takes loads of planning and attention. You only get one shot at a first impression. Make sure things are spelled write, don't write too much where it becomes overwhelming to the viewer, but also don't write too little where it looks like you rushed opening the forum or don't care. There is a goldilocks to making forums successful. You only get there with experience really. Sometimes learning from other's mistakes helps too. I see forums that are open to the public with barely any content. They even have empty forum sections. This just oozes lack of care to me. If you don't even care about your forum then why should I?

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