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Site Management Collective, Community, and Group Space

For discussions on the overall management and administration of websites and forums.


Addicted member
Apr 18, 2023
A collective empowers individuals by pooling our strengths, highlighting the power of people working together towards a common goal.

A community gives us a sense of belonging, making us feel part of something larger that values each member.

A group space provides a physical or virtual room to come together.

What one of the 3 are you actually building?
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I try to build a community collective with my forums and blogs.

I want people to feel like they're a part of something they can all resonate with.

I also want people to help each other as a group and not rely on me or my moderators to be the only experts around.

I think forums and blogs (and social media even) that have creators who try to take all the credit and expertise to me sounds lonely and a good road to burnout.

Doing all the work all the time will burn you out.

Creating a sense of community and a collective of people helping each other will help keep you on the mission.

My few cents.

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Would You Rather #9

  • Start a forum in a popular but highly competitive niche

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Initiate a forum within a limited-known niche with zero competition

    Votes: 23 82.1%
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