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Building the Dream Community with unlimited resources

May 28, 2013
Today, let's have an exciting thought experiment: If money was no issue, what kind of community would you build? Imagine having unlimited resources at your disposal to create the ultimate online community experience. Let your creativity soar as we explore the possibilities together. From the choice of software to the allocation of funds, let's delve into the dream community you envision.

Software selection plays a vital role in shaping the functionality and user experience of an online community. With unlimited resources and funds, you have the freedom to choose the most advanced, feature-rich platform available. Would you opt for a versatile and customizable forum software like XenForo or vBulletin? Or perhaps a more modern and user-friendly solution like Discourse or NodeBB? Consider the specific needs of your envisioned community and the features that would best serve your members. Maybe you want to go full custom built?

When it comes to spending money, the options are limitless. You can invest in cutting-edge servers and hosting solutions, ensuring lightning-fast load times and uninterrupted access for your community. Hiring a team of dedicated professionals, including developers, designers, and community managers, would be within reach to provide seamless support and continually enhance the user experience.

Imagine the freedom to create exclusive content and resources for your members. You could invest in professional content creators, commissioning high-quality articles, videos, and tutorials that cater to the unique interests and needs of your community. Additionally, you could spend funds to organize in-person meetups, conferences, or even retreats, providing unforgettable experiences and encouraging deeper connections among community members.

Don't forget about user engagement and incentives! With unlimited resources, you could establish a robust rewards system, offering enticing incentives such as virtual currencies, badges, or even real-world merchandise for active and contributing members. Investing in gamification elements and interactive features would add an extra layer of enjoyment and encourage deeper participation within the community.

Furthermore, imagine the power to make a positive impact beyond your community's virtual borders. You could spend funds to support charitable causes aligned with your community's values, organizing fundraising campaigns or even establishing partnerships with nonprofit organizations. This philanthropic aspect would not only benefit those in need but also strengthen the sense of community and purpose among your members.

Now, it's time to share your grand vision! If money was no issue, what kind of community would you build? Describe your dream software, the areas where you would spend your resources, and the innovative features you would introduce. What unique benefits or experiences would your members enjoy in this dream community? Let your imagination run wild and inspire your fellow webmasters with your visionary ideas.
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🤨No i'm not jokey jokeys this time.
If my opinions usually trigg ya out hundy,...then just move along.


This my intention since NZFreeSpeechForum—though significantly moreso developed.

i will simply pay members for their participation.

Yes it is loosely similar to how the general in-forum credz exchangeable for real cash concept functions,...but merely as a secondary background aspect of something more significant and meaningfully tangible.

Maybe i encourage members to contribute unique quality content with passive financial generation—as a self-defined incentive premised & determined by the individual member their-self.

Thereby so doing as such would thusly influence beneficial results within the core forum community and also extends benefits directly for the individual members irl.

It ought to be made abundantly clear that i dgaf about utilizing these forums for personal gain and i simply ain't interested in hearing none of the generic pseudo-"capitalistic" crapé responses berating me for my selfless concepts.

This IS my "niche".

That is to say, my "niche" isn't webmastery, abhorrent pseudo-"mental health", or games, movies, music, astrophotography, nor hypocritical pseudo-"everyone from every background can share their opinions".

my "niche" is not inherently limited to a tiny minority, it is not the dime a dozen entertainment plagues, it is not a disingenuous falsehood masquerading as if authoritative for a critical subject affecting lives of literally every single living individual yet all while selfishly hijacked as a personal vehicle for toxic ideological virtue signaling repugnant exclusivity-inversion fantasies intended for enabling proliferation of delusional sexual perversions resulting from a specific parasitic organism which produces a hormone causing an overwhelming urge for the D in the B—a parasite known to infest all homosexual males.

Look it up.

my "niche" does not cower nor acquiesce unto weaponized social fabrications commonly adhered to by screeching narcissistic flies.

my "niche" accommodates actual individual expressivity and does not impose warped conformity under threat of mob aggression.

It does not impose swinish beliefs.

Oh, you believe it does—and this vague description is in of itself the proof thereof a belief?


my "niche" encourages actual self-motivated community oriented collaboration.

my "niche" does not pretend to be something other than the actuality it embodies in any moment.

my "niche" dgaf about insane power trippers & nonsensical superiority complexes.

my "niche" is selflessness,...it is not restricted to nor defined by a mere digital fiction construct visually presented on a screen.

i live my "niche" every moment irl.

i embody my "niche" every time i hand all the cash on me to the homeless on the sidewalk,...so to whenever this one i embody articulates actualities to those whom are blind for that which they can not yet see.

i embody my "niche" everytime i mow multiple elderly neighbours lawns, and pick up the trash school kids apparently leave as if like a trash snail slithers by twice during weekdays.

my "niche" unashamedly presents itself as it actually is, flaws & all.

my "niche" is not a "niche", it is simply me being authentic me.

Therefore in the limited context of common digital fictions—my "niche" is the focused projection of authentic self being manifest as a seemingly typical forum—yet it is nought but a miniscule extension of the "me".

🤭If this authentic self expression here offends thee,...will you assume self responsibility for your own state of self and your own reactivities you allowed—or will you entirely disregard such in favour of narcissistically projecting your own garbage at a subjectively fictionalized conception of the "me" —😏perhaps one's internal dialogue un-ironically screeches "how dare you!"

😄Easy,...type one letter after the other,...that's how.

😂Pretty daring huh.

No other but one's-self is responsible for one's-selfness—unless of course one is an adolescent, physically or mentally.

my "niche" has existed for millennia.....and it is that which is your "niche" too,...

i do not fantasize of "Building a dream community".

i am actualizing—in modern technological form, a shadow of what actual Community was—yet which may appear as if dream-like to the "ego" intoxicated common-man/woman.

😏Think i'm "crazy" right?

That'd be your own projected ignorance.
It is also tragically & somewhat hilariously ironic because that's a - you thing entirely.

Here's my advice...
The first thing I would do is build a strong social media following. Well, it wouldn't be nothing like Nike or something, cause I don't think the OP means that much money, but enough for 80,000 followers or 20,000, at the least. The next step would massive advertising to get people to your forum and to build quality content. Anyway, once all this is done, the chance of making money and to keep on making good money is a lot higher.

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Would You Rather #9

  • Start a forum in a popular but highly competitive niche

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  • Initiate a forum within a limited-known niche with zero competition

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