I off on another forum adventure. Not sure if anyone remembers but I had a successful promotion forum that I sold, since life was real busy at the time.Since that has changed I decided to open another one. It a forum niche that I like and love helping people out. We are brand new and running on SMF forum software. We aren't that different from any another Promotion forum except that the owner is patient about making it work. If this is something you are interested in checking out please stop by BallyHoooo - Index. We are still looking for staff members to help fill our staff. If you are interested in helping out please see the topic on the forum.
Ok now the name, you are probably thinking what the heck is ballyhoooo. It's actually Ballyhoo but we wanted to add the extra o's to make it sound funnier. Here is the definition of BallyHoo just so you see where the name came from.
Ok now the name, you are probably thinking what the heck is ballyhoooo. It's actually Ballyhoo but we wanted to add the extra o's to make it sound funnier. Here is the definition of BallyHoo just so you see where the name came from.
1. Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity.
2. Noisy shouting or uproar.
tr.v. bal·ly·hooed, bal·ly·hoo·ing, bal·ly·hoos
To advertise or publicize by sensational methods.