An office becomes productive if people feel they are respected, and that translates to better customer service. It creates professionalism if there is mutual respect in a certain business. There is an improvement in the atmosphere and communication among people. Then people will feel better about their jobs. Good manners and right conduct must be promoted to emphasize self-respect. You must watch for yourself and others like excessively loud and long cell phone ringing, this interrupts the workers. What must the owner of the cell phone do? That worker must mute his or her cell phone to avoid disruption and annoyance of co-workers. Never answer your calls inside the workplace, you have to excuse yourself for a few minutes rather than talking inside the office which sounds unethical.
Having business etiquette leads people to describe you as having good manners, being educated, and being respectful. One must follow the requirements and expectations of social and business behavior. This kind of attitude demonstrates good manners appreciated by all in a business and even in schools and at home.
Another, when someone is talking to you, please make eye-to-eye contact. It is so bad talking to someone and not looking at you in the eyes, as if you are talking to a parrot. Also, smile at people who smile at you once enter the office or before starting to work. It is also required to follow the dress code to avoid gossip.
Having business etiquette leads people to describe you as having good manners, being educated, and being respectful. One must follow the requirements and expectations of social and business behavior. This kind of attitude demonstrates good manners appreciated by all in a business and even in schools and at home.
Another, when someone is talking to you, please make eye-to-eye contact. It is so bad talking to someone and not looking at you in the eyes, as if you are talking to a parrot. Also, smile at people who smile at you once enter the office or before starting to work. It is also required to follow the dress code to avoid gossip.