I don't use any sort of ads on my websites nor do I ever really plan on having ads. I don't see them being a big enough payment to even bother with them, nor do I see my website as being a business, more of something I enjoy, so someone using Adblock on my website would be perfectly fine with me. I am always using Adblock myself, with it never been disabled. Currently on chrome alone I have blocked a little over 200,000 ads with near enough the same count on 2 or 3 different browsers.
I personally find Adblock is great, just think of how much data ads actually use out of your internet. Although you may not run out of data, some providers may even slow your internet down if you use too much. I know an old provider I used in the passed did that. Especially on mobiles, the amount of internet data mobile ads use up on your phone is just horrendous! No wonder we always run out of mobile internet data, I downloaded a VPN/Adblock on my mobile to redirect any ads out of my face, so far in just a week it has blocked over 12,000 ads which has saved me from using up a little over 1.4 Gig in internet data!
Now imagine if you was paying depending on how much internet you used up monthly on your phone. Ads are just going to sky rocket that price straight through the roof.