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  • Admin Junkies is proud to announce 📣 an awesome ☀️ summer special on ✍️ Content Bundles for YOUR forums! Kickstart your discussions with a Content Bundle. For the entire month of June, use the promo code AJSUMMER 🎉 to receive 50% 🎁 off your content bundle. For example, a package that normally only costs 100 Credits will only cost 50 💰 credits. Full news here.

Blogging Collective

An online community of bloggers helping bloggers with their blogging needs.

Item details

An online community of bloggers helping bloggers with their blogging needs.
Blogging Collective was made for bloggers to help other bloggers do better at blogging.

A collective is defined as "done by people acting as a group" and "a cooperative enterprise," which totally sums up the idea of the title of the community.

Blogging Collective is not just any other discussion forum—it's a place where bloggers can unite and help each other thrive through blogging discussions, weekly blogging articles, a blogging marketplace, and a blogging showcase where you can show off your blog and even request a review if you want one.

The community is very simple and to the point.

If you're a blogger, whether new or seasoned, or you're entertaining the idea of becoming a blogger - I'd love to see your username as our newest member.


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Shawn Gossman
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