Effectively engaging a community is both an art and a science. Whilst some communities are built on shared goals and interests, you may find that many members often struggle not only to initiate but also to sustain discussions.

This issue can be traced to many reasons; understanding these barriers is important to overcoming them.

In this article, we explore why members find it difficult to kick off discussions and also offer strategies that can help you boost engagement.

Understanding the Barriers

Lack of Confidence

Many require confidence when it comes to initiating discussions. Some members may feel that their expertise on a topic is insufficient to contribute meaningfully to the discussion.

Fear of Judgement

Having a fear of being judged may also be a reason that members are hesitant to start discussions. Members may worry that their ideas are not good enough and that they may be criticized by others within the forum.

Unclear Purpose

Members who do not have a clear understanding of the community's interests and goals may struggle to find discussions that are relevant to the topic.

Having this lack of direction could hinder engagement within the community.


There can be prolonged silence when there is a tendency to wait for others to speak first. Members within a community may expect more active individuals to take the lead, resulting in a stagnant environment.

Unfamiliarity with Platforms

Some may find the technical aspects of using online platforms daunting. Being unfamiliar with how to engage in discussions, or how to comment and post can deter participation.

Strategies to Boost Community Engagement

1. Create a Welcoming Environment

A welcoming and inclusive atmosphere is important when it comes to encouraging participation. You can achieve a welcoming and inclusive environment by:

Personal Introductions:

Members should be encouraged to introduce themselves, express what they hope to gain from the community and share their interests.

Setting Ground Rules:

Respectful and clear guidelines should be created for discussions to ensure a safe space for sharing ideas.

2. Provide Clear Topics and Prompts

Giving members a starting point can help them. This can be done through:

Themed Days:

Specific days for different types of discussions should be chosen. These types of discussions could be anything from Question Wednesday's to Feedback Friday's

Discussion Prompts:

Posting things such as current events, controversial topics related to the community's interests and open-ended questions can help to prompt discussion within a community.

3. Lead by Example

Active members and leaders should model the behaviour they wish to see within the community. They can do this by:

Engaging Actively:

Active members and leaders should respond to comments and posts promptly to show that contributions are valued.

Initiating Discussions:

Active members and leaders should post new questions, insights, and topics to spark conversations within the community.

4. Highlight Member Contributions

Celebrating and recognizing contributions can motivate community members to participate more. This can be achieved by:

Rewards and Badges:

A system to reward members with points, badges or other incentives should be introduced.

Member Spotlights:

Feature community members each week and highlight the contributions they have made within the community within that week.

5. Utilize Surveys and Polls

Surveys and polls which are interactive elements can drastically boost engagement within a community. Surveys and polls can be used to:

Encourage Participation:

Quick and simple responses can lower the barrier to engagement and lead to more in-depth discussions.

Gauge Interests:

Surveys and polls are a great way to understand what topics resonate the most with your community.

6. Provide Educational Resources

Resources should be offered to your community members to help them feel more confident in initiating discussions. This might include:

Webinars and Workshops:

Sessions on topic exploration, communication skills and other relevant areas can be hosted for your community.

Tutorials and Guides:

Provide your community with tips on how to use the platform effectively, engage with other members within the community, and start discussions.

7. Ensure Consistent Communication

Regular communication from community owners and leaders can help to keep the community vibrant. This could include:

Regular Updates:

Ensuring you keep community members informed about any new features, important announcements and changes is one great way to ensure consistent communication.

Weekly Newsletters:

Highlight upcoming events, encourage participation and summarize recent discussions within a weekly newsletter to ensure consistent communication.

8. Encourage Smaller Groups

Having a large community can make new people feel overwhelmed. Having smaller groups such as interest-based clusters or sub-groups can foster more active discussions and deeper connections. Things you should consider are:

Facilitating Meetups:

In-person and virtual meetups for smaller groups should be encouraged to help strengthen bonds within the community.

Creating Sub-Groups:

Organizing members into smaller groups based on shared goals and interests.

Best Practices for Sustaining Engagement


Always be willing to adjust any strategies you have based on the evolving preferences and needs of your community.

Feedback Loops:

Feedback from your community members should be sought regularly. Find out what is working and what they are happy with in the community and what could be improved.

Active Moderation:

Community moderators should be actively removing spam, guiding discussions, and maintaining a positive environment, this will help to sustain engagement and allow community members to feel safe within the community.

In conclusion, creating a community that is engaging is an ongoing process that requires empathy, effort and strategic planning and does not happen overnight.

By understanding the barriers that hold community members back from implementing targeted strategies and initiating discussions, community owners and leaders can foster an interactive, vibrant and supportive environment that people will want to be part of.

Encouraging participation, providing purposeful, clear guidance and encouraging participation is key to transforming an inactive group into a thriving and active community.

Jono Bacon has a great video on YouTube that you may find useful regarding boosting your community engagement. You can find the YouTube video here and below