When creating anything for the first time, it can be an exciting venture and creating your first podcast is no different.

You may want to create your first podcast but are unsure of where to start, don't worry! Below we give you a guide to help you get started on your first podcast.

Choose Your Equipment

When creating podcasts, it is wise to invest in high-quality recording equipment to ensure the sound quality of your podcasts is good. At the very least when starting and recording your first podcast you will need headphones, a microphone, and recording software.

You will find upon researching that there are various options available when it comes to equipment depending on your technical expertise and budget.

Choose a Niche for Your Podcast

One of the first things you should consider before creating your first podcast is what your podcast will be about. Choose a theme or topic that you are passionate about and you have a lot of knowledge in. You should also be sure that the niche you choose will resonate with your target audience.

Choose a Platform to Host Your Podcasts

Taking a look around at different platforms where you could store and host your podcasts is important. Popular options to consider are Libsyn, Anchor and Podbean.

When deciding on the hosting platform you wish to use, ensure that the platform offers the following:
  • Analytics
  • A reliable service
  • Easy distribution to major podcast directories such as Spotify, Google Podcasts, or Apple Podcasts
Plan Your Podcast Episodes

Your podcast episodes should be outlined and planned. Key things to look into and decide are the length of the podcasts, the format, and the structure of each episode.

Creating a list of potential guests or topics for your episodes is recommended.

Record Your Podcast Episodes

The first thing you should do before recording your podcast is find a space that is quiet with minimal background noise. Once you begin recording your podcast, ensure you speak confidently and clearly into the microphone.

Doing a few test recordings is not unheard of and quite common so consider doing that until you feel comfortable with the process.

Edit Your Podcast Episodes

Use editing software to polish your recordings before uploading them to the public. Some of the recommended editing software is:
  • Adobe Audition
  • Audacity
Any irrelevant content and mistakes in the podcast recording should be removed and you should also consider adding intro and outro music, transitions or sound effects to enhance the listening experience.

Create Intro Music and Cover Art

Eye-catching cover art for your podcast should be considered. You can use a graphic design software of your choice and make the cover art yourself or consider hiring a designer for the task.

Additionally, you could consider licensing or creating intro music that reflects the vibe and tone of your podcast.

Submit Your Podcast to Your Chosen Directories

Once you have recorded and edited your podcast and you are happy with the outcome, you need to submit your podcast to major directories so that listeners of your podcast and potential listeners can easily find and subscribe to your podcast.

Always be sure to follow the submission guidelines on your chosen directory and provide all the necessary information such as podcast title, cover art and description.

Promote Your Podcast

Once you have your podcast uploaded to your chosen directories, now it is time to promote your podcast. Spread the word about your podcast through your website if you have one, social media, and any other channels you have access to.

Encourage family, friends and colleagues to listen and share your podcast episodes. Looking into other podcast influencers in your chosen niche and considering collaborating with them if they are happy to do that can help you reach a wider audience.

Engage with Your Audience

Building a community around your podcast can help greatly. Consider building up a community around your podcast by engaging with your listeners ensuring that you respond to feedback and comments they give you. Ask for listener suggestions and questions and consider these, featuring listener contributions in your episodes is quite popular.

Always remember, building a successful podcast can take time and it will not happen overnight. Time, consistency and dedication are needed.

Stay committed to producing high-quality content within your podcast episodes and be sure to connect with your audience. By following these steps, your podcast will continue to grow over time.