Spreading power and hoarding power represent differing approaches to leadership within an online community. Below we explore both spreading power and hoarding power.

Spreading Power

Diverse Perspectives: Community managers and leaders can tap into the diverse skills, perspectives and experiences of their community members when distributing power. This can lead to better decision-making and more innovative solutions to challenges.

Adaptability and Resilience: In online communities where power is spread, you will find that they tend to be more resilient and adaptable to change. With multiple decision-makers and leaders, a community can work through challenges and uncertainties more effectively.

Collaborative Leadership: Spreading power involves assigning responsibilities and authority among members of the community. This kind of collaboration can help to foster a sense of empowerment and ownership among everyone, as they feel valued and integral to the decision-making process.

Improved Decision-Making: Involving a group of diverse stakeholders in a decision-making process can greatly improve the quality of decisions. Different perspectives can help to mitigate risks, identify blind spots and consider a wider range of potential outcomes.

Increased Ownership and Engagement: Allowing individuals a stake in decision-making can greatly increase their sense of commitment and ownership to the community or goals of the organization. People are more likely to be motivated and engaged when they feel that their contributions are valued, and their voices are heard.

Enhanced Innovation and Creativity: When distributing power among members, it can allow for diverse perspectives and ideas to be considered. This can allow individuals to bring their unique insights and experiences to problem-solving and decision-making processes which help foster innovation and creativity.

Empowerment and Skill Development: Spreading power can allow individuals to develop their leadership skills and take on greater responsibilities. This kind of empowerment not only benefits the individual, but it also strengthens the overall capacity of the online community or organization.

Long-Term Sustainability: Online communities and organizations that have distributed power structures are better positioned for long-term sustainability. This can make the transitions of leadership roles smoother, as there is the option of multiple capable individuals who will be ready to step up and into leadership roles when it is needed.

Hoarding Power

When power is given to only a few people, other members run the risk of becoming dependent on those leaders for guidance and direction. This can constrain individual initiative and create a culture of passivity.

Risk of Burnout and Mismanagement: Leaders who are known to hoard power may find themselves overwhelmed by the demands that come with leadership which can in turn lead to burnout.

Centralization and Control: Hoarding power involves centralizing decision-making authority for an individual or a select group of people. Whilst this is good for streamlining decision-making in the short term, it can suppress innovation and creativity which will limit input and engagement from community members.

Clear Accountability: Having power concentrated within a select group of people or with an individual, outcomes for accountability may be defined more clearly. This can help to facilitate lines of responsibility that are clearer and make it easier to attribute failures or successes to specific decision-makers.

Fast Response to Crisis: In times of crisis or emergencies, centralized decision-making can enable coordinated and swift action and responses. When immediate action is needed to address threats or problems in the community, this can be extremely relevant.

Upholding Privacy: Certain information or decisions may need to be kept confidential for reasons such as privacy, competitive advantage or security. Focusing on and giving power to a select group of people can help safeguard sensitive information and prevent confidential information from getting leaked.

Strong Leadership during Uncertainty: In times of uncertainty, hoarding power can help to provide a sense of direction and stability within the community or organization. Having a strong leadership can help to reassure members and maintain confidence even in the face of challenges.

Efficient Resource Allocation: Having centralized control over resources can help to prevent waste and ensure that resources are directed towards high-priority initiatives.


Whilst hoarding power may offer more of a sense of efficiency and control in the short term, spreading power can give results that are resilient, inclusive, and adaptable to communities in the long run.

Effective community leaders can often find a balance between delegation and centralization as well as recognizing when to take decisive action themselves or empower others.