Have you ever noticed how a small flaw in a product can make it more endearing? This is known as the Blemishing Effect, and it can be a powerful tool to grow your online community. By embracing and communicating the quirks in your product, you can create a unique bond with your members and turn potential weaknesses into strengths.

One recent example is Pringles, which used their 2023 Superbowl ad showing people getting their hands stuck at the bottom of its long tubular can.

Here's how you can use the Blemishing Effect to your advantage.

Understanding the Blemishing Effect​

The Blemishing Effect is a psychological phenomenon where small imperfections make a product or person seem more relatable and appealing. In the context of an online community, this means acknowledging and even highlighting minor flaws can make your product more attractive to your members. But remember, the key is to focus on quirks that do not hinder the forum's primary function.

Talk and Listen to Your Members​

One of the first steps to utilizing the Blemishing Effect is to actively talk to and listen to your community members. Engage in conversations, ask for feedback, and pay attention to the quirks they love to hate. These imperfections are often discussed in forums, social media, or through direct feedback.

Example: Imagine you run an online community for a photo editing app. Some users might frequently mention how the app occasionally glitches and gives an unexpected and funny output. They might even share screenshots of these glitches, turning them into a running joke within the community.

Communicate the Imperfections​

Once you’ve identified these quirks, don’t shy away from them. Communicate them openly. This transparency builds trust and shows that you value your members' experiences and opinions.

Example: In the photo editing app community, you could create a fun blog post or social media campaign around the most creative and humorous glitches users have encountered. Highlighting these quirks in a light-hearted manner shows that you acknowledge the imperfection and are engaged with your community.

Make Imperfections Part of Your Brand​

Think about how you can dial up these quirks and present them alongside your product’s positive features. The goal is to create a balanced narrative that shows your product is excellent but not perfect, making it more relatable.

Example: Your photo editing app could introduce a monthly contest where users submit their funniest glitch photos. Winners get featured on your social media channels and receive small prizes. This turns a potential negative into an engaging and community-building activity.


The Blemishing Effect is a powerful strategy for growing your online community. By embracing and highlighting the small quirks in your product, you create a more relatable and engaging experience for your members. Talk to your community, listen to their feedback, and don’t be afraid to showcase those minor imperfections. They could be the key to building a more loyal and connected community.

Questions for Reflection:​

  1. What quirks in your product have your community members pointed out, and how have they reacted to them?
  2. How can you turn a minor flaw into a fun and engaging aspect of your community?
  3. What strategies can you implement to ensure ongoing communication and feedback from your members?