Starting a podcast whilst it can be exciting, can also leave you with a daunting feeling when you realize what you need to be able to record a podcast of high quality.

Below we give you details on the tools you need to record your first podcast and we hope this helps.

Scripting and Planning

Content and Concept Planning

Before recording your first podcast, you should consider some things, they are as follows
  • The theme of your podcast
  • The audience you wish to target
  • The format of your podcast. This could be a solo podcast, interview, or co-hosted.
Outline and Script

Before you jump to recording your podcast, you should write down an outline or a script to help you organize your thoughts and ensure that things run smoothly during the recording.



A good quality microphone is important when choosing to record a podcast. Nobody wants to listen to a podcast that sounds tinny or has a lot of background noise. Some of the popular choices for microphones to consider are:
  • USB Microphones: These microphones are super easy to use and set up. In terms of USB microphones, you have a choice of Audio Technica, Blue Yeti, Elgate Wave, and ATR2100x
  • XLR Microphones: These are higher-quality microphones but they require a user interface to use them. Some examples of these microphones are, Rode NT1, Shure SM7B

Headphones are important when recording a podcast. Closed-back, over-ear headphones are recommended to help you monitor your audio during the recording. Some examples of headphones to look into are:
  • ATH-M50x
  • Audio Technica
  • Sony MDR-7506
Pop Filter

A pop filter is great to help you reduce and avoid plosive sounds. You will notice that plosive sounds tend to occur when you use words with a "p" or a "b".

Mic Stand or Boom Arm

A mic stand or a boom arm is great to help you position your microphone in a place where the sound is great and it is also comfortable for you when you are recording.

Audio Interface

Audio Interface is recommended if you are using XLR microphones. An Audio Interface converts analogue signals to digital. Some examples of Audio Interfaces are:
  • PreSonus
  • AudioBox
  • Focusrite Scarlett 2i2

When recording podcasts, having recording software that you feel comfortable using is important. Below are some options to choose from when it comes to choosing software:
  • Adobe Audition - This is paid software but it is a professional choice to recommend with many advanced features.
  • Zoom - This is a popular choice for podcasts and is commonly used. Zoom is easy to set up and ideal for those new to creating podcasts
  • Audacity - This software is a free, open-source option and is also great for beginners.
  • GarageBand - This software is free for those who use Mac and is user-friendly with some great features
  • - This software is great if you are looking for remote recording and is also high-quality. Remote recording software is great for those who create interview podcasts.
  • SquadCast - This software is designed specifically for podcasters
  • Reaper - Reaper is paid software but is also affordable and powerful

When editing your podcasts, you must use the same Digital Audio Workstation each time. Below we give you some steps for editing your podcasts
  • You may find that some volume levels are higher or lower than others, be sure to adjust volume levels so that the volume is the same throughout.
  • When recording your podcast and then going back and listening to the recording, you will find areas that you feel should not be there such as long pauses or even mistakes. When editing, be sure to edit out these unwanted sections
  • If you find that there is a lot of background noise after you have completed your recording and listened back, you can use noise reduction tools to clean up the background noise you notice.
  • Sound effects are great in a podcast so look into adding sound effects to your recording when editing. Also adding an intro and an outro gives your podcast more of a personal touch.
Distribution and Hosting

You may have already looked into Podcast Hosting Platforms but we will give you some recommendations below:
  • Podbean
  • Anchor - This is a free option and offers distribution services.
  • Libsyn
Submitting to directories is often easier if the podcast hosting platform you use offers distribution services. Below are some options of directories you can submit your podcast to:
  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Google Podcasts
  • Stitcher
Additional Tools


Below are some additional tools that will help you along the way to ensure your first podcast and podcasts you create in the future are of a high-quality and are something your audience will want to listen to regularly:

Cover Art

You can either hire someone to create cover art for your podcast or you can create this yourself. Some of the popular tools to create cover art yourself are Adobe Spark and Canva

Sound Effects and Music

Royalty-free sound effects and music is recommended when looking to add sound effects and music to your recording. Some popular options to choose from for music and sound effects are Audio Jungle, Free Music Archive, Epidemic Sound

Steps to Record Your First Episode


Setting Up Your Recording Space

Ensure you choose a quiet environment before you start recording your podcast. Having an area with minimal echo is ideal such as a room with acoustic panels or soft furnishing.

Test Your Equipment

Before starting any recording, you should check all of your equipment, including hardware and software to be sure that it is all working as intended.

Record a Test Episode

Before starting to record your first episode, you must do a short test recording to check your quality and audio levels.

Record Your Episode

Remember the outline/script we mentioned a little while ago? Now is the time to use that. When you start recording, be sure to follow your outline or script. Speak clearly when recording and at a steady pace.

Edit Your Recording

Check your recording and edit it to polish your episode. This could be adjusting audio levels, or removing mistakes. adding any necessary music or sound effects.

Export Your Episode

Once your episode has been recorded and you are happy with the outcome after making edits, save your file to the appropriate format, this is typically MP3.

Upload Your Episode to a Hosting Platform

Before uploading your episode to a hosting platform, be sure to fill out all the important information such as description, title and tags. Once you are happy with the details you have entered, upload your file.

Submit Your Episode to Directories

Ensure your podcast is available on all major podcast directories to increase your potential audience.

Tips for Success
  • Quality: Always be sure to listen to all recordings after you have completed them and make any changes to your recording. Prioritize good audio quality to retain listeners.
  • Engagement: Use social media to interact with your audience. Listen to their feedback and suggestions.
  • Consistency: Being consistent is key to reaching your audience and keeping your audience. Ensure you release episodes regularly and stick to them so that your listeners know when to find new content.
  • Promotion: Use collaborations, and social media and leverage your existing network to promote your podcast. Tell friends, family and colleagues about your podcast and ask them to listen to it and share it with others.
By following these steps and tools, you will be well-equipped to record and launch your first podcast and for it to be successful!

Happy recording and good luck!